Are you having trouble linking your Midtronics Battery Tester to your Midtronics Battery Management Information System (BMIS) account? Simply refer to iKNow Article TL2900136 or refer to the Midtronics Handheld Battery Tester Quick Reference Guide on International's Service Portal page -> Publications -> Document Type -> Users Guide and follow the instructions on the back-side of the document to quickly gain access to your account. *** ATTENTION DEALER SERVICE MANAGERS *** On the International Service Portal page, locate and click on Service reference -> Battery Management Information System (BMIS) and log into your dealers Midtronics BMIS account to see, track and print ALL battery test results right from your computer. *** PLEASE NOTE *** Part numbers A028 and A083 are not included in this kit and will need to be purchased separately when conducting an Alternator Voltage Drop Test or Starter System Test. *This is a remanufactured unit and has a limited 90-day warranty policy. Kit includes x1 Electrical System/Battery Tester with Wi-Fi Module, x1 Pair of Female Battery Stud Adapter Posts, x1 Heavy Duty Cable Clamps and x1 Soft Carry Bag. Zusätzlich zu den schnellen, sicheren und zuverlässigen Leitfähigkeitsprüfungen bieten Midtronics-Autobatterietestgeräte und -analyseprodukte ein vollständigeres Bild der Batteriefähigkeiten. Using new Dynamic Conductance Battery Testing Technology, and designed for maximum flexibility, this analyzer will quickly become your electrical diagnostic tool of choice. One of the largest, easiest-to-read displays in the industry. The EXP-1000HD from Midtronics was created specifically for the heavy-duty commercial/fleet market.The EXP-1000 Expandable Electrical Diagnostic Platform marks the next generation of handheld analyzers - so revolutionary, it makes other electrical system diagnostic tools obsolete. Built in Digital multimeter meter with scope mode - diagnose all under hood electrical components.A REMANUFACTURED handheld expandable 12V Electrical System and Battery Tester allows you to diagnose every part of the electrical system, from the battery to the starter and alternator, more accurately and decisively than ever before.Cable voltage drop test - check ground cable, starter cable, & alternator cable.Amp testing capabilities (with optional amp clamp) - read starter amp draw and alternator amp output.System & Diodes - complete starting/ charging diagnosis.Improved battery testing accuracy & decisiveness - better decisions on borderline batteries.
This new platform combines the full functions of an advanced analyzer, digital multimeter, and data management tool-all in the palm of your hand. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Midtronics Batterietestgerät Ersatz Kabel. The EXP marks the next generation of handheld analyzers allowing you to diagnose every part of the electrical system, from the battery to the starter and alternator, more accurately and decisively than ever before. User interface and ease of use have been improved over their Micro-series products with enhanced display graphics, screen-flow and alpha-numeric keypad.
If this is not in stock at ToolSource, there is a 5-day lead time for manufacturer drop ship plus delivery time from Illinois. ANCEL BST500 12V/24V 100-2000 CCA Automotive Battery Load Tester, Car Cranking and Charging System Analyzer Scan Tool with Printer for Heavy Duty Trucks, Cars, Motorcycles and More (Black and Red) 4.3 out of 5 stars.